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The art of acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through the skin at specific points. According to Traditional Chinese Medical theory, acupuncture points are located on channels, called meridians, along which a vital energy known as Qi runs through the body.  Blockages in these channels and in the flow of Qi are believed to cause pain and other symptoms in the body.


The most common reason people seek out acupuncture is for acute and chronic pain management.  The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as effective treatment for 28 conditions.  As more and more physicians accept and practice acupuncture, a wider range of illnesses and conditions are being considered for acupuncture treatment.  Recently the benefits of acupuncture were studied and it can now be scientifically proven that it can improve your health!


Nutritional Supplements

Individual diets and nutritional supplements are recommended to address deficiencies, treat disease processes, and promote health. The benefits may include increased energy, improved gastrointestinal function, enhanced immunity, and general well-being.


Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine is plant based medicine that involves the use of herbal teas, tinctures, capsules, and other forms of herbal preparations to assist in recovery from injury and disease.



Homeopathy is a form of medicine based on the Law of Similars; that is, the use of tiny doses of the very thing that causes symptoms in healthy people. These minute doses, of plant, animal, or mineral origin, are used to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself. Homeopathy is a powerful tool that effects healing on a physical and emotional level.


Traditional Chinese Medicine

Asian medicine includes the use of acupuncture, Eastern herbs and dietary changes to eliminate disease and balance body functions.  Eastern herbs may be given in the form of pills, tinctures, or decoctions (strong teas) to be taken internally or used externally as a wash. Dietary advice is based on traditional Chinese medical theory.



Hydrotherapy refers to the use of hot and cold water applications to improve circulation and stimulate the immune system.  Hydrotherapy techniques can be effectively used for detoxification, dermatological health and pain management.


Lifestyle Counselling

Lifestyle counselling involves identifying risk factors and making recommendations to help optimize one’s physical, mental, and emotional environment.


B12 Injections

Vitamin B12 is a non toxic water soluble vitamin that plays a significant role in metabolic processes in the body.  It is involved in energy production, detoxification, neurological health and stress response.  Vitamin B12 deficiency is often seen in patients with high levels of stress, fatigue, weight gain and poor immune system.



Are B12 injections right for you?


Success Stories


Acupuncture & Fertility


After almost 2 unsuccessful years of trying to get pregnant and countless visits to a fertility clinic an eager patient came to see me to explore her options before investing in IVF (in- vitro fertilization).  After 4 months of weekly acupuncture treatments combined with 2 months of Chinese herbal medicine I got the happy news of a positive pregnancy test!



I see a number of patients with hypothyroidism who have normal lab values but still have a low functioning thyroid. They have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, unable to lose weight and are simply tired of being tired! Through a detailed intake and individualized treatment plan, each of these patients has regained their energy and now able to thrive everyday.




Initial Consultation (60 min) ...........................................................  $180

Second Visit (45-60 min) ..................................................................  $100

Follow-Up Visits (30 min) .................................................................  $80

Acupuncture (30 min) ......................................................................  $80
 (requires initial consultation)


Acute Visit (15 min) ..........................................................................  $45

Telephone or email consultation (15 min) ....................................  $45

B12 Injections ...................................................................................  $15

Medical Letter ..................................................................................  $25

Cancellation Policy


To cancel or re-schedule an appointment, please allow 24 hours notice to avoid a cancellation fee equal to that of the intended visit.

Extended HealthCare Benefits


Please note that fees are not covered by OHIP, however, Naturopathic visits may be covered by your extended health care plan. Many people do not take advantage of the benefits provided by their employers - it's part of your wage package and they are called benefits for a reason... use them! Please check with your insurer to determine your coverage.

There is no HST charged on naturopathic services.

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